Change of Personnel Forms

For use by NICAS accredited centres only

Please use the forms below to update records for your accredited centre.

  • Each accredited centre must always have a named Course Director, plus a Technical Advisor (for NICAS Climbing) or Competent Person (for NICAS Bouldering).
  • NICAS must be notified within 30 days of any changes to your Course Director, Technical Advisor or Competent Person.
  • Course Directors and Assistant Course Directors must meet our minimum coaching requirements for the schemes/levels for which they are responsible.
  • Course Directors, Assistant Course Directors, Technical Advisors and Competent Persons must have completed a NICAS induction led by our Coach Development Team (i.e not an in-house induction) – see Inductions for NICAS Personnel for more info or to book an induction.
  • Further guidance on roles is given in the NICAS Centre Handbook, which is shared when staff book their NICAS induction, and is also available to all accredited centre staff on NICAS Pro.
  • Course Directors can add Course Administrators on NICAS Pro using the “Invite Staff Member” option.
  • To notify us of other updates to personnel including staff leaving, please email us.
Type of FormRole Description
Change Course DirectorEach centre must register a named Course Director (CD) who meets our minimum coaching requirements. This person will be responsible for the delivery and quality of the NICAS scheme(s) at their accredited centre. The CD is responsible for monitoring any in-house coaching staff and external coaches who wish to deliver and assess the scheme at that centre. The CD will be someone who is frequently on site, is actively involved in NICAS delivery (including assessing the syllabus and signing award certificates), and has knowledge of each candidate. 
Change/Add Assistant Course DirectorAccredited centres may appoint one or more Assistant Course Directors (ACDs) to support the Course Director (CD). ACDs must meet our minimum coaching requirements for the schemes/levels for which they are responsible. They may fill the role of Course Director when the CD is unavailable, for example during annual leave.
Change Technical AdvisorTechnical Advisor (TA): A named individual holding a high standard of roped climbing qualifications (MCI or above) who supports the application for a centre to deliver NICAS Climbing. They may provide staff training, course design, delivery and assessment procedures and will confirm that the centre has appropriate resources to deliver the levels of the scheme for which it has applied. Centres are strongly advised to choose a TA with a relevant and extensive background in working with indoor walls/artificial climbing structures.
Change Competent PersonCompetent Person (CP): A named individual holding a high standard of bouldering coaching experience or qualifications who supports the application for a centre to deliver NICAS Bouldering. They may provide staff training, course design, delivery and assessment procedures and will confirm that the centre has appropriate resources to deliver the levels of the scheme for which it has applied.